Compendium Deluxe 2
LSD and 17bit Compendium Deluxe - Volume II.iso
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362 lines
; Hard-Trackdisk Example Routine - Loads sectors 880 to 883 off drive 0
; into $c0000 with an MFM buffer at $f0000
; No interrupts/exceptions are interfered with, and code is fully multi-
; taskable (within a Hardware or System based program)
; This is not an interupt-driven routine. nor will it ever be, i couldn't
; be fucked to do it... but wait n'see, i may have something sticky up
; my sleeve.
; Coded by psyKo, extreme hassle and lots of time have gone into this fucker
; so i hope you spread 4 all 2 c.. (retro corp production, 19/5/93)
; Note: This is the new-improved meatier/chunkier version..
; New control codes for the NuTrakker Segment are:
; d0 = 0 - Find available drives
; d0 = 1 - (new function) Reset drive (d1=drive) head to track zero
; d0 = 2 - Read Sectors
; The Zero Head function you should use before you load a set of sectors,
; NOTE: you dont have to do it every time you access the disk, just use
; it in initialization, and after a disk-change, or before a mass-multiple
; sector read (several Trakker Read Calls)... i hope it worx
Opt c-
Section "HardNuTrackDisk Example",Code_c
IncDir TransorbSource:
Drive = 1
Start Movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
Bsr KillSys
Lea CopperList(pc),a0
Lea HardWare,a6
Move.l a0,Cop1Lc(a6)
Move.w #$83c0,DMACon(a6)
Moveq #0,d0 ; Setup Code
Bsr TrackDisk+$20 ; Find Active Drives
; d0 - is returned with active disk drives, bits 0-3 represent drives 0-3
Moveq #1,d0 ; Zero Head Code
Moveq #0,d1 ; Zero drive number
Bsr TrackDisk+$20 ; Reset Track.
Moveq #1,d0 ; Zero Head Code
Moveq #1,d1 ; Zero drive number
Bsr TrackDisk+$20 ; Reset Track.
Moveq #2,d0 ; Read Sector Code
Moveq #0,d1 ; Drive Number
Move.w #880,d2 ; Start Sector 880
Move.w #883,d3 ; End Sector 883
Lea $c0000,a0 ; Data Address
Lea $f0000,a1 ; MFM Buffer pointer
Bsr TrackDisk+$20 ; Read Sectors
Moveq #2,d0 ; Read Sector Code
Moveq #1,d1 ; Drive Number
Move.w #400,d2 ; Start Sector 0
Move.w #433,d3 ; End Sector 3
Lea $c8000,a0 ; Data Address
Lea $f0000,a1 ; MFM Buffer pointer
Bsr TrackDisk+$20 ; Read Sectors
Moveq #2,d0 ; Read Sector Code
Moveq #1,d1 ; Drive Number
Move.w #1740,d2 ; Start Sector 0
Move.w #1759,d3 ; End Sector 3
Lea $d0000,a0 ; Data Address
Lea $f0000,a1 ; MFM Buffer pointer
Bsr TrackDisk+$20 ; Read Sectors
Moveq #2,d0 ; Read Sector Code
Moveq #0,d1 ; Drive Number
Move.w #1740,d2 ; Start Sector 0
Move.w #1759,d3 ; End Sector 3
Lea $d0000,a0 ; Data Address
Lea $f0000,a1 ; MFM Buffer pointer
Bsr TrackDisk+$20 ; Read Sectors
; read those fucking sectors in from 880 to 883 off drive 1, fucking less
; hassle than fucking trackdisk.device, and no fucking Amiga fucking DOS
; to share your disgusting fucking memory fucking with...
; pleese, just dont ask why i'm fucking pissed off..
Bsr ReturnSys
Movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
Moveq #0,d0
KillSys Bsr.s SysWait
Move.l $4,a6
Lea GFXName(pc),a1
Moveq #0,d0
Jsr -552(a6)
Lea OldCop1(pc),a5
Move.l $26(a0),$0(a5)
Move.l $32(a0),$4(a5)
Lea HardWare,a6
Move.w IntEnaR(a6),d0
Move.w DMAConR(a6),d1
Or.w #$8000,d0
And.w #$03ff,d1
Or.w #$8000,d1
Move.w d0,$8(a5)
Move.w d1,$a(a5)
Move.w #$7fff,IntEna(a6)
Move.w #$7fff,DMACon(a6)
SysWait Move.w #15,d7
SysWaitLoop Move.l #$05000,d1
Bsr.s WaitVBL
Bsr.s DoWaitVBL
Dbf d7,SysWaitLoop
DoWaitVBL Move.l #$03000,d1
WaitVBL Movem.l d0-d1/a6,-(sp)
Lea HardWare,a6
WaitVBLLoop Move.l VPosR(a6),d0
And.l #$1ff00,d0
Cmp.l d1,d0
Bne.s WaitVBLLoop
Movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a6
ReturnSys Lea HardWare,a6
Move.w OldIntEna(pc),IntEna(a6)
Move.w OldDMACon(pc),DMACon(a6)
Move.l OldCop1(pc),Cop1lc(a6)
Move.l OldCop2(pc),Cop2lc(a6)
GFXName Dc.b "graphics.library",0
OldCop1 Dc.l 0
OldCop2 Dc.l 0
OldIntEna Dc.w 0
OldDmaCon Dc.w 0
Screen Dc.l $c0000
Cmv Macro
Dc.w \2,\1
Cwt Macro
Dc.w (\1*$100)+$01,$fffe
Pal Macro
Dc.w $ffe1,$fffe
EndCop Macro
Dc.w $ffff,$fffe
CopperList Cwt $15
Cmv $0200,BplCon0
Cmv $00bb,BplCon1
Cmv $000a,BplCon2
Cmv $0034,DdfStrt
Cmv $00c8,DdfStop
Cmv $1681,DiwStrt
Cmv $36c1,DiwStop
Cmv $0,BplMod1
Cmv $0,BplMod2
CopperCols Cwt $25
Cmv $0,Color00
Cmv $0,Color01
Cmv $0,Color02
Cmv $0,Color03
Cmv $0,Color04
Cmv $0,Color05
Cmv $0,Color06
Cmv $0,Color07
Cmv $0,Color08
Cmv $0,Color09
Cmv $0,Color10
Cmv $0,Color11
Cmv $0,Color12
Cmv $0,Color13
Cmv $0,Color14
Cmv $0,Color15
Cmv $0,Color16
Cmv $0,Color17
Cmv $0,Color18
Cmv $0,Color19
Cmv $0,Color20
Cmv $0,Color21
Cmv $0,Color22
Cmv $0,Color23
Cmv $0,Color24
Cmv $0,Color25
Cmv $0,Color26
Cmv $0,Color27
Cmv $0,Color28
Cmv $0,Color29
Cmv $0,Color30
Cmv $0,Color31
CopperBPLS Cmv $c,BplPt0h
Cmv $0,BplPt0l
Cmv $0,BplPt1h
Cmv $0,BplPt1l
Cmv $0,BplPt2h
Cmv $0,BplPt2l
Cmv $0,BplPt3h
Cmv $0,BplPt3l
Cmv $0,BplPt4h
Cmv $0,BplPt4l
Cwt $28
Cmv $1200,BplCon0
TrackDisk Incbin df0:Blank:CodeSegments/NuTrakkerFINAL-Seg
****Custom Chip Registers****
Hardware = $Dff000
;Control Registers
Dmaconr = $002
Vposr = $004
Vhposr = $006
Joy0dat = $00A
Joy1dat = $00C
Clxdat = $00E
Intenar = $01C
Intereqr = $01E
Copcon = $02E
;Blitter Registers
Bltcon0 = $040
Bltcon1 = $042
Bltafwm = $044
Bltalwm = $046
Bltcpth = $048
Bltcptl = $04A
Bltbpth = $04C
Bltbptl = $04E
Bltapth = $050
Bltaptl = $052
Bltdpth = $054
Bltdptl = $056
Bltsize = $058
Bltcmod = $060
Bltbmod = $062
Bltamod = $064
Bltdmod = $066
Bltcdat = $070
Bltbdat = $072
Bltadat = $074
;Copper Registers
Cop1lc = $080
Cop1lch = $080
Cop1lcl = $082
Cop2lc = $084
Cop2lch = $084
Cop2lcl = $086
Copjmp1 = $088
Copjmp2 = $08A
Diwstrt = $08E
Diwstop = $090
Ddfstrt = $092
Ddfstop = $094
Dmacon = $096
Clxcon = $098
Intena = $09A
Intreq = $09C
;BitPlane Registers
BplCon0 = $100
BplCon1 = $102
BplCon2 = $104
BplMod1 = $108
BplMod2 = $10a
BplPt0h = $0e0
BplPt0l = $0e2
BplPt1h = $0e4
BplPt1l = $0e6
BplPt2h = $0e8
BplPt2l = $0ea
BplPt3h = $0ec
BplPt3l = $0ee
BplPt4h = $0f0
BplPt4l = $0f2
BplPt5h = $0f4
BplPt5l = $0f6
;Colour Registers
Color00 = $180
Color01 = $182
Color02 = $184
Color03 = $186
Color04 = $188
Color05 = $18a
Color06 = $18c
Color07 = $18e
Color08 = $190
Color09 = $192
Color10 = $194
Color11 = $196
Color12 = $198
Color13 = $19a
Color14 = $19c
Color15 = $19e
Color16 = $1a0
Color17 = $1a2
Color18 = $1a4
Color19 = $1a6
Color20 = $1a8
Color21 = $1aa
Color22 = $1ac
Color23 = $1ae
Color24 = $1b0
Color25 = $1b2
Color26 = $1b4
Color27 = $1b6
Color28 = $1b8
Color29 = $1ba
Color30 = $1bc
Color31 = $1be
EcsNop = $1fe